the work-san has been busy for about a week which left me no time-kun for blogging (work-san has left me some time for anime-chan and gaming though). lately i've been really immersed in an indie game named starbound
this game combined a lot of aspects from minecraft, terraria and space conquering themes and it's really cool!!! i really enjoy relaxing with jumping from one planet to other planet randomly and finding a lot of chest and diamond. it really gives me a good sense of achievement lol.
okay enough for the chit-chat. sooo in this post i'm gonna share my experience in how to make a 3d gundam model, step by step, to hopefully help a lot of other "people in needs" like me.
So from what i knows, 3d is basically a two dimensional things that get pulled in every f-ckin way possible that turn out to be really nice and sexy (>,<). Some people with genius DNA out there might say that "making a 3d model can be done directly from within your mind boyyyy"............................
which turn out to be not that easy, at least for someone incapable like me.
as for me the best possible way to make a decent smooth process in modelling phase is to fully understand every nooks and cranny of your desired model. and there is no better way than to draw it on some paper with as much detail as you can. (don't use toilet tissue though)
this time i have choose a project to be made into 3d model. ladiesssss and gentlemeeeeeennnnnnnn please introduce this beast from heavennnnn gggunnndaaammmmmm reeeeeeebirthhhhhhhh
i'm really fallin in love with this design which resemble a lot of 00 raiser design, and i really think it would be awesome if bandai used this model in 00 series final battle. but yeah, dream will just be dream.....
anyway i recommend you to take a better pixel of this picture in this link
google result for rebith gundam in large image settings
And after staring at it and burn it in your brain, you have to try to re-draw it like this
try to make some view as how it was gonna look like from front side, left/right side and top side (off course you can add as many side as you want, but i think 3 views is sufficient enough).
For my 1st time, it tooks me about one weeks which i used all of my after work time just to make some screwed un-proportional-ly looking design. but believe me it will get better over time.
After you fell it to be decent enough to not make you want to throw it to thrash can. You should be duplicate it for further detailing modification.
The most normal way to do this is to put your paper on some drawing light board like what architectural guy uses. But unfortunately my major is in economics, not architect.
i used my ipad which turn out to have such a blast lighting background to imitate it (^.^)
and that's how it looks after some kage bunshin no jutsu which i rent from naruto. The main purpose for this phase is to have some original backup no matter how you screwed the design. OH and don't forgot to line it again with a ballpoint so you can fearlessly grip up your eraser and swing it like +12 epic legendary weapon.
Notice that there are pencil lining on top of ballpoint lining. that is exactly what i refer as design modification. after you have some faith, try to make another viewpoint, base on your side view and repeat the kage bunshin no jutsu process again.
now, this boy is started to looks handsome isn't it?
try adding some original V fin to make it more gundam-ish. and that's how it's done my friends. if you have reach this stage, there is a nice chance that you have already successfully burn the design in your memory.
Next phase will be the sorcery phase which took your life and social time as an offering for the rite to be done. don't forget to prepare some pocky or soft drinks as you will need a lot of sugar to keep your brain fueled.
Oh and here's some bonus photos for you
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